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An Academic Journal Specialized in Multiple Intelligences in Education
The story of Research mi
vision and mission
Research MI was launched as a new educational research journal in December 2020. It is evidence-based and is the precursor of the more systematic, gifted education, and multiple intelligences (MI) publication in Hong Kong.
We see our roles as educator-researchers who need to enlighten our witty learners and inspire our devoted comrades in the field of education. We see the need to explore, improve, and reflect on our global-local perspective, teaching experiences, methodologies, and outcomes pertaining to nurturing our students of various levels of giftedness and in the diverse domains in MI.
G.T. College has its orientation and mission in gifted and quality education as well as the further development of MI. We aim to explore, encourage, and envisage the potential impact of MI teaching and the effective practices for gifted learners whose needs are no less than any other student with special needs.